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Ceres Holographics

Digital Holographic AR and TD Solutions
Ceres specializes in the design, mastering and manufacture of holographic films for Heads Up Displays (HUDs) in cars, trucks and other applications.
Ceres Holographics has developed an innovative approach to digital mastering and replication of holograms and holographic optical elements (HOEs) for next-generation AR and Transparent Display applications.

Ceres ground-breaking HoloFlekt® film technology transforms a windshield into an ultra-bright, full color, compact and flexible Heads-Up Display, where safety, operational, navigation and infotainment content can all be shown in a clear and non-distractive manner regardless of external light conditions. They work with customers to design and produce precision-engineered, Holographic Optical Elements (HOEs) that enable mass-market display applications across automotive, transportation, aerospace and wearable technology. 

Ceres began partnering with Wired Island to get the word out that their technology is now ready for commercial adoption. Wired Island works as a key advisor on communications and marketing for key announcements, thought leadership and events. Our campaigns focused on optimizing these marketing efforts through media relations, the launching of their social media and content.

Key Coverage
09 January 2020
Holographic Technology Expands its Application Possibilities: CES 2020
On day one of CES 2020, Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B, checked in with Andy Travers, CEO, Ceres Holographics, to learn more about the innovative solutions and business opportunities hologram technology provides. For full article
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09 January 2020
Automotive holographic AR windshields move closer to reality at CES 2020
In nearly any popular science fiction movie, the vehicles of the future can do wild and amazing things like flying or driving by themselves or projecting all manner of information on the windshields.   For full article
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08 January 2020
Ceres Holographics Debuts Full-Color Automotive Holographic Transparent Display System Designed with TI DLP technology 
Ceres Holographics, an innovative developer of thin-film Holographic Optical Elements (HOEs) for next-generation transparent display (TD) and augmented reality head-up-display (AR-HUD) solutions, announced its latest TD prototype system that offers key advantages for automotive applications including full-color display, wide field of view and desired small package size.   For full article
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