
We’re proud of the company we keep.
Our clients are leading suppliers of products and services solving real world problems
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Each client at Wired Island is paired with a deeply experienced and bespoke team to craft strategies and execute effective programs. Our holistic WYSIWYG service model allows us to provide tailored communication tactics ranging from earned media, to digital marketing, to content strategies.

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Today’s future.
How companies communicate and influence has evolved over the years and Wired Island has grown
with it. Built on a long track record of success in traditional PR and earned media (with the Rolodexes
to prove it), we have integrated additional and relevant skills and services to ensure our clients’
messages stand out in today’s dynamic and noisy environment.
Every company wants to be in the spotlight.
We deliver customized PR and communications programs that are intended to inspire our clients’ most important audiences. That audience may be you.
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Public Relations and Communications Strategy for Technology Companies
Charleston, USA - Paris, France

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