‘Smallest and Most Power-Efficient’ Sensor
New Event-Based Vision Sensor Deemed ‘Smallest and Most Power-Efficient’ The event-based sensor mimics how the eyes and brain process images to overcome the barriers of conventional frame-based machine vision. For full article
READ MORE >Prophesee Emboldens Its Consumer Outreach
Prophesee Emboldens Its Mass Consumer Outreach Prophesee is the little engine that could. By launching its fifth-generation event-based imaging sensor and going after the consumer mass market For full article
READ MORE >Less is more in EV infotainment
Why fancy OLED displays in cars might not last long: Less is more in EV infotainment As consumers we all want the latest, shiniest and most cutting-edge tech in every gadget that we buy. For full article
READ MORE >Prophesee Reinvents DVS Camera
Prophesee Reinvents DVS Camera For AIoT Applications Dynamic vision sensor company Prophesee has resized its event-based camera into a form factor that suits always-on, AIoT devices For full article
READ MORE >Event-based sensor for ‘always-on’ video
Event-based sensor for ‘always-on’ video, low-power apps The GenX320 is the first of Prophesee’s fifth generation of event-based image sensors and is made at a European foundry that makes image sensors For full article